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Nick Reviews “Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood”

Read my review on Letterboxd

Come for the 3rd Act, but stick around for the first 2.

This movie introduces a phenomenal cast of characters that you will want to spend all day watching (one would expect nothing less from Tarantino).

In many ways, this movie feels like 2 separate movies: one film (primarily taking place in the first two acts) is a period piece exploring Hollywood in during the Nixon-era, and the second (which primarily exists in the explosive third act) is a classic Tarantino bloodbath concerning the infamous Manson Murders.

While the 3rd act is probably what most of us expect from the film, the first two offers an exceptional film watching experience: you will be content to watch Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) speeding around in his Cadillac. Additionally, watching Leonardo DiCaprio playing actor Rick Dalton as he plays another character, is an incredible feat of acting that will leave you captivated. Equally so, Margot Robbie leaves an incredible experience as the late, great Sharon Tate.

While I found this film to be one of the best of the year (during a year that had some INCREDIBLE films), I want to note that I don’t think I can call it Tarantino’s best work. Either way, it’s absolutely worth your time.

Cincinnati, OH
Co-host of 'Why is This a Thing?' and 'Fantasy Book of the Month' Podcast. Coffee lover, cat-dad, fantasy nerd and workaholic.

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